Tuesday 28 March 2017


 Does anyone any one know how Maglev trains work?Maglev trains work on the principle of electromagnetic repulsion because of which the trains float on a guideway. By this principle we can achieve high speeds and reduce friction between the track and  the wheels. 

Maglev trains have lot of advantages with respect to environment as well as in social society too. Lets talk about the advantages of Maglev  train with respect to environment .As Maglev trains ,doesn't have any  moving so there is no noise caused by the wheels. Therefore, there is no noise pollution caused by  it. As well as there are no Ic engines present because of which emission of other gases is absent .So , no issues related to environment .It also has other benefits such as it is energy efficient , weather proof, there is no rolling resistance, maintenance cost is low. At the time of installation, it  is costly, then it does not require any money for maintenance.
Image result for maglev trains japan
   You, know first magnetic Maglev train was opened in 1984 near Birmingham England . The speed at which it was started was 42 km/hr.It was low speed maglev train.Then it started becoming high speed  train with speed 350km/hr .Then it was re engineered to achieve greater speed than that present operating speed . Now , In Japan year only, Maglev train broke its own record .It ran at a speed of  603km/hr, which was the highest speed up till now.

Image result for maglev trains japan
                       As it is said ,"Rose always comes with thorn ".It is applied to this topic too. Maglev trains too have disadvantages with advantages .The major disadvantages of Maglev trains is that it, s track are much more expensive than the railroad tracks . Do you know in 2006 ,there was an  accident of  Maglev train  in which 23 were killed which ran between Dorpen and Lathen. After this  accident Maglev trains licence were expired and then given in 2012 in Germany . It is safer overall, but any accidients that do occur are likely to be more catastrophic due to elevated guideways and incredible speeds . Then , noise is caused by the air disturbance but they are pretty quiet  . Earlier, when the train used to enter the tunnel, some aerodynamic problems were faced. So, they are still working on it and have satisfied to some extent.Larger train cars are tougher to levitate and require quite a bit more energy , making them less efficient . So , I conclude that it depends on us whether we should see the rose and feel happy or touch the thorns and get hurt. I would like to say a quote said by Albert Einstein related to growing technology is "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
    Image result for advantages of maglev trains